ホーム活動日記UN WOMEN > UN WOMEN 女性のエンパワメント原則  FAQs 2月22日

UN WOMEN 女性のエンパワメント原則  FAQs 2月22日

FAQs・・Frequently Asked Questions よくある質問の問答集

「女性のエンパワメント原則」はWomen’s Empowerment Principles 、




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Women’s Empowerment Principles – Equality Means Business

女性のエンパワーメント原則 ― 平等はビジネスのカギ

Frequently Asked Questions よくある質問

1. What are the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs)?


The Women's Empowerment Principles offer seven steps to guide business on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. Subtitled Equality Means Business, the Principles emphasize the business case for corporate action to promote gender equality and women's empowerment and are informed by real-life business practices and input gathered from across the globe. Rather than being prescriptive or a new initiative to which business is asked to subscribe, the WEPs seek to point the way to best practice by elaborating the gender dimension of good corporate citizenship, the UN Global Compact, and business' role in sustainable development.

女性のエンパワーメント原則は、企業が女性のエンパワーメントを職場やマーケットそして社会において推進させるための方法をガイドする7つのステップです。「Equality Means Business(平等はビジネスのカギ)」と副題が付けられているこの原則は、ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントのために企業が行える行動の実例が強調されており、実際のビジネス手法と世界中から集められた情報を基にして作られました。WEPsは、企業は従わなければならない規範ないしは新たなイニシアチブというよりも、社会に貢献する企業や国連グローバル・コンパクト、そして持続可能な発展における企業の役目における、ジェンダー的側面がどのようであるかを述べることにより、成功事例を導くための方向性を示すことをめざしています。

2. Who developed the Women’s Empowerment Principles? [1]


The WEPs are the result of a collaboration between the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The Principles were developed through a year-long international multi-stakeholder consultation process and launched to the global community on International Women‘s Day 2010 (8 March).

女性のエンパワーメント原則(WEPs)は、ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントのための国連機関(UN Women)と国連グローバル・コンパクト(UNGC)が共同で策定しました。この原則は、一年にわたって、全世界の多数の関係者との議論の過程で作り出され、2010年国際女性デー(38日)に世界に向けて公表されました。

3. Who Can Use the Women’s Empowerment Principles?


The WEPs were primarily developed for the business community. However, they have been taken up by other civil society stakeholders, international organizations and governments as a platform and used as input to policy. They are being utilized as a basis for dialogue and action to advance and empower women.


4. What is the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles?


The CEO Statement of Support for the Women‘s Empowerment Principles offers business leaders an opportunity to signal their support for the overall goal of advancing and empowering women and specifically, the guidance offered by the WEPs. It also provides a platform for corporate executives to encourage fellow business leaders to support the Principles by signing the Statement. Signers of the CEO Statement underscore that equal treatment of women and men is not just the right thing to do—it is also good for business and should be a corporate priority.


The Principles were developed as a voluntary framework and resource for companies dedicated to advancing gender equality. Signing the CEO Statement of Support does not constitute any type of binding obligation. However, signing the CEO Statement is a great way to demonstrate the first Principle, which is: “Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality”, and it has now been signed by over 250 chief executives of companies around the world.


5. Once a company’s CEO signs, is there a way to become more involved or get assistance to develop more gender-sensitive approaches and programmes within a company?


The CEO Statement of Support encourages business leaders to use the seven Principles as guideposts for actions that advance and empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community, and communicate progress through the use of sex-disaggregated data and other benchmarks. UN Women and the UN Global Compact Office will continue to provide opportunities for companies to share experiences, expertise and knowledge and to work together via a virtual network of ?interested persons‘ and an annual Women‘s Empowerment Principles event in New York City scheduled to coincide with International Women‘s Day in March. The WEPs team strives to bring opportunities and resources to increase knowledge and engagement.

最高経営責任者による支持声明は、企業代表に7つの原則を職場や市場、社会において女性が進歩しエンパワーメントするための行動の指標として利用することを勧めており、ジェンダー統計やその他の基準を利用することにより前進について共感しあうことを奨励しています。UN Womenと国連グローバル・コンパクト事務所は、企業に対して、経験や専門知識を分かち合い、そして興味を共有する仲間とのオンラインでのネットワークを通じて協力する機会や、国際女性デーとともに3月に同時開催されるニューヨークにおけるWEPsの例年イベントを通じて協力する機会の提供を継続して行います。WEPsチームは、知識やかかわりあう機会を増やすよう努力いたします。

All participants are encouraged to follow the Women‘s Empowerment Principles on Twitter (@WEPrinciples) and on Facebook.


6. Does my company need to be a member of the UN Global Compact in order to sign the CEO Statement of Support?


No, all companies, from all sectors and regions of the world are invited to sign the CEO Statement of Support. Signers represent the largest companies and some quite small businesses.


7. Is there a financial commitment associated with signing the CEO Statement?


No, there is no financial commitment associated with the CEO Statement or the Principles. The WEPs are a tool available to all companies free of charge. However, contributions are welcome to help fund activities to assist companies with implementation. Suggested annual contributions are USD 5,000 for large companies and USD 500 for small companies.


Can my company support the WEPs programme on a broad scale?


Yes, to advance the partnership initiative and serve WEPs companies and stakeholders, broader project support is being sought in the areas of communication and outreach, research, reporting and documenting WEPs implementation best practices. Contact Lauren Gula for further information at gulal@unglobalcompact.org.

はい。パートナーシップの取り組みを発展させ、WEPs企業や関係者に貢献するため、コミュニケーション、アウトリーチ、調査や報告、そしてWEPsの成功事例を文書化するといった分野で大きな支援が求められています。詳しくはLauren Gulaにご連絡ください。

8. Are there reporting and disclosure requirements associated with signing the CEO Statement of Support?


There is no formal reporting or disclosure requirement associated with signing the CEO Statement. However, since the importance of results and impact cannot be overstated, companies are strongly encouraged to set specific benchmarks and targets for progress towards gender equality and

to use sex-disaggregated data when possible to report on progress to their stakeholders and many companies are doing just that. Companies are also welcome to participate in UN Women/UNGC consultations and any other learning mechanisms (webinars, etc.) with companies on their experiences with using and implementing the Principles. Further, members of the UN Global Compact are encouraged to communicate their efforts to implement the Principles into their core business and in their annual Communication on Progress (COP).

支持声明に署名するに伴う正式な報告や開示要件はありません。しかしながら、結果や影響の重要性は計り知れないため、企業の関係者にジェンダー推進の報告を行うことができるのなら、ジェンダー平等推進の基準や目標を設定し、ジェンダー統計を使用することを強くお勧めしますし、多くの企業はそのようにおこなっております。企業がUN WomenUNGCの会議や、その他の原則を実施している企業の経験談などが含まれる講習会(ウェブ上のオンラインセミナーなど)に参加することをお勧めします。なお、国連グローバル・コンパクトのメンバーは、ビジネスの軸や年次COPに、原則の導入にいかに取り組んでいるかを述べることをお勧めします。

As companies have indicated particular interest in receiving further guidance and suggestions on how to track and report on progress towards implementation, the WEPs partnership team in New York is currently working to produce reporting guidance that takes into consideration the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework and the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP) requirement. The first draft will be released in March 2012 at the WEPs annual meeting in New York.

実践の際の追跡や進捗報告をいかに行うか、ということのガイドや助言に特に興味がおありの企業には、ニューヨークのWEPsパートナーシップ・チームが、Global Reporting InitiativeGRI、地球的規模報告イニシアチブ)枠組み、そして国連グローバル・コンパクトのCommunication on Progress(進捗報告)要件を考慮しつつ、報告手順を作成しているところです。この最初の草案がニューヨークで20123月に執り行われるWEPs年次会議で公開される予定です。

9. What happens if there is a change in company leadership?


If a new CEO is appointed to the company, it is assumed that she/he will carry on the work of her/his predecessor and uphold the company‘s commitment to promote and implement the Women‘s Empowerment Principles. Therefore, it is not necessary to fill out a new form. However, we ask that when a change in leadership takes place that notification is sent to the WEPs team so that the CEO list can be updated accordingly. Of course, if a new CEO would like to sign to reaffirm the company‘s commitment to the goals of the WEPs, and provide a new leadership quote, she/he is very welcome to do so.


10. Which companies have signed the CEO Statement thus far?


The current list of signers can be viewed online at:


To view the 39 lead signers of the CEO Statement, visit:



11. How can civil society leaders and other non-corporate stakeholders demonstrate their support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles?


While the CEO Statement of Support is strictly for signature by leaders of corporate entities, civil society leaders – including heads of business associations, non-governmental organizations, human rights organizations, women‘s organizations and academic institutions – are invited to demonstrate their support for the Women‘s Empowerment Principles and encourage business leaders to implement the Principles by making the WEPs part of a programmatic approach to engagement with the private sector, as well as with government leaders, the UN and other advocates.


12. How can I learn more about the WEPs – what resources are available?


Resources and updated information about the Women‘s Empowerment Principles can be found on the:


UN Women website:


UN Global Compact website: http://www.unglobalcompact.org/Issues/human_rights/equality_means_business.html

Twitter: The WEPs are now tweeting! Follow us at: @WEPrinciples. To learn more about Twitter or to set up an account, go to www.twitter.com.

Facebook: We have also created a

Facebook page to keep the WEPs community updated on relevant news, events and engagement opportunities. Take a look and spread the word! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Womens-Empowerment-Principles/201423406555824.

WEPs Team Contacts:

Laraine Mills, Private Sector Specialist, UN Women (laraine.mills@unwomen.org; +1.646.781.4467)

Lauren Gula, Human Rights & Women‘s Empowerment Project Manager, UN Global Compact (gulal@unglobalcompact.org; +1.212.963.1566)

Joan Libby-Hawk, WEPs Special Adviser, UN Women & UNGC

Ursula Wynhoven, General Counsel, UN Global Compact

General Inquiries: womens-empowerment-principles@unglobalcompact.org.

[1] The Women’s Empowerment Principles, the product of a collaboration between UN Women and the UN Global Compact informed by an international multi-stakeholder consultation, are adapted from the Calvert Women’s Principles®. The Calvert Women’s Principles were originally developed in partnership with UNIFEM (now part of UN Women) and launched in 2004 as the first global corporate code of conduct focused exclusively on empowering, advancing and investing in women worldwide.

「女性のエンパワーメント原則」はUN Womenと国連グローバル・コンパクトの協働により、世界中のさまざまな分野のステークホルダーの意見を参考にし、また「カルバート女性の原則」をもとに作成されたものです。「カルバート女性の原則」は、UNIFEM(現UN Women)とのパートナーシップにより開発されたもので、世界中の女性のエンパワーメント、地位向上ならびに女性への投資に焦点を当てた世界初の企業の行動規範として2004年に発表されました。




