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A letter to Partners form UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet』





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A letter to Partners form UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet
ミチェル・バチェレUN Women事務局長からパートナーへのレター

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March 2012 2012年3月

Dear Friends, 皆様

This letter comes to you with gratitude as we mark the first anniversary of operations of UN Women. It's been an exciting year and I applaud every individual, government and organization working for women's empowerment and gender equality.
皆様に、UN Womenの活動一周年を記念する喜びと共に皆様にこのレターをお届けします。躍動感あふれる1年であり、女性のエンパワーメントとジェンダー平等のために力を注いだ全ての個人、政府、組織に拍手を送ります。

From the courageous women and youth demanding freedom and democracy in the Arab
world, to the rural women breaking new ground for sustainability, to the men and women mobilizing to end violence against women, to the three women who won the Nobel Peace Prize for their leadership in peace and democracy-these stories and many more inspire me to believe that equality is possible.

This is the century to end discrimination and violence against women. The time is now.
Equality depends on each of us. From the government that changes its laws, to the company that advances equal pay and opportunity, to the mother and father that teach their daughter and son that all human beings should be treated equally, we are all part of the solution.

UN Women is up and running with a presence in 75 countries. Over the course of 2011, we developed a clear vision and strategic plan, put in place a new management structure, and expanded partnerships.
UN Womenは75カ国と共に創設・運営されています。2011年の間に、我々は明確なビジョンと戦略計画を発展させ、新たな管理体制を整え、パートナーシップを拡大してきました。

We've benefited from an outpouring of goodwill and support and I'm proud of what we've
accomplished together. From advancing women's leadership and political participation, to increasing women's economic power, to mobilizing to end violence against women and
girls, to expanding women's role in peacebuilding, to institutionalizing gender responsive budgeting, progress is being made for justice and equality.

As highlighted in our Progress of the World's Women report, In Pursuit of Justice, the rule of law in many countries still rules women out. There is an urgent need to make justice work for women. Peace, justice and democracy depend on the full and equal participation of women and men.
「Progress of the World's Women」(世界の女性の進歩)の報告書、「In Pursuit Of Justice」(法の公正を求めて)に強調して述べられているように、多くの国々では、いまだに法の原則から女性が排除されています。女性に対して公正になるよう早急に行動する必要があります。平和、公正そして民主主義は女性と男性の完全かつ平等な参画にかかっているのです。

We are excited that more than 4,000 civil society representatives registered to attend the UN Commission on the Status Women and look forward to strengthened partnerships improving opportunities for rural women and girls.

In 2012, I will place a special emphasis on advancing women's political participation and economic empowerment, enhancing UN system-wide coordination to promote gender equality, and amplifying women's voices at Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. I look forward to working with you in the year ahead.

Best wishes,

Under-Secretary-General and 
Executive Director of UN Women
Michelle Bachelet
事務次長・UN Women事務局長 ミチェル・バチェレ

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Expanding Women's Leadership

At this moment of historic change, we cannot afford to leave women out. During these times of economic crises, social upheaval and political transformation, the full inclusion of women expands possibilities for democracy and justice.

Expanding women's participation is a matter of human rights. Every human being has the right to take part in the government of his or her country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Yet too many women have been denied the right of equal access to public service.

Last September, UN Women brought together women leaders at the United Nations to call for increased women's political participation and decision-making.
先の9月、UN Womenは女性リーダー達と共に国連に集合し、女性の政治と政策決定参画の増加の呼びかけを行いました。

In December, the UN General Assembly called on the nations of the world to take concrete action to advance women's participation and leadership in politics, including in times of transition.

All of us have an obligation to support countries in taking forward this important resolution.

When women and men lead together, decisions better reflect and respond to the diverse needs of society.

From Sri Lanka to Costa Rica, Rwanda to Spain, where quotas have been used to boost the number of women legislators, progressive laws-to secure land rights, tackle violence against women and improve health care and employment- have been passed. Where women have organized, sometimes across party lines to ensure women's interests are represented, change has followed.

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Today women make up less than 10 percent of world leaders and less than one in five members of parliament, and women who call for peace and democracy are often excluded from political negotiations and, in the worst cases, suffer human rights violations. The 30 percent critical mass mark for women's representation in parliament has been reached or exceeded in only 30 countries.

In 2011, UN Women provided support to more than 25 countries, to candidates, political parties, voters, electoral commissions and legislative efforts to ensure that more women vote and get elected. In Egypt, Tunisia and other countries in transition, we provided support to strengthen women's political participation. In response to a call for proposals,
our Trust Fund for Gender Equality is providing $4.8 million to advance women's participation and empowerment in the Arab world.
2011年、UN Womenは25カ国以上で、候補者、政党、投票者、選挙委員会、そして行政を支援し、より多くの女性が投票でき、また当選できるよう、努力を進めてきました。エジプト、チュニジアそして変遷期にある他の国々において、我々は女性の政治参画を強化するように支援に努めてきました。我々の提案に返答する形で、Trust Fund for Gender Equality (ジェンダー平等信託基金)が、アラブ世界にて女性の参画ならびにエンパワーメントの向上のために480万ドルの資金援助をしました。

Advancing women's economic empowerment

During this period of economic crisis, it is time to remove the barriers that prevent women from participating fully and equally in economic life. Today more than half of working women are in vulnerable jobs, gender wage gaps are still large, and balancing work and family life remains a daily struggle.

By strengthening women's economic role, economic recovery can be faster, deeper, more sustainable and fairer. Women put their income back into their communities, driving hunger, illiteracy and mortality rates down and increasing economic growth.

Eliminating barriers that discriminate against women in certain sectors or occupations could actually increase labour productivity by up to 25 percent in some countries. The World Economic Forum reports that greater gender equality correlates positively with per capita gross national product. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization finds that giving women farmers the same access as men to seeds, tools and fertilizer could raise national yields by up to 4 percent, and reduce the number of hungry people by 100 million to 150 million.

In 2011, UN Women supported countries in removing barriers that limit women's economic participation-from providing training and skills to making laws, policies and conditions fair for women.
2011年、UN Womenは女性の経済参画を限定させる障壁を取り除くように国々を支援してきました。それには、研修、法律制定・政策・女性に公平な状態を作り出す技術などが含まれます。

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We initiated a partnership with the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and the World Food Programme to advance the economic empowerment of rural women, who produce nearly half of the food in developing countries. We urged private companies to embrace the Women's Empowerment Principles to advance equal opportunities and women's leadership in the private sector. So far, more than 400 CEOs have committed to the principles and we are working to exceed our goal of 500 companies by 2015.

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Ending violence against women and girls

Violence against women and girls is not just a women's issue. It diminishes each and every one of us. Change is possible and we need to take stronger action to end this pervasive human rights violation.

From Pakistan, where people from all walks of life rallied to collect one million signatures to break the silence, to countries in every region, people are coming together to denounce impunity and demand stronger action to end violence against women and girls. New laws and policies are being adopted, programmes are being established and awareness is rising.

In 2011, UN Women issued a 16-step agenda to prevent, protect and provide services to end violence against women. We moved forward with an ambitious new goal, a push to mobilize societies and governments around the world to provide women and girls with universal access to critical support in situations of violence. We deepened our work on Safe Cities for Women and Girls with our partners from UNICEF and UN Habitat. We shared strategies and cutting-edge evidence through the Global Virtual Knowledge Center. We supported countries in advancing laws, policies, services and awareness, hosted the UN Secretary-General's UNiTE Campaign to End Violence against Women, and managed the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
2011年にUN Womenは女性に対する暴力を防止し、保護し、かつ根絶のためのサービスを提供するという、16段階からなるアジェンダを発行しました。暴力行為が行われている場面において重要とされるサポートを、女性と女児が普遍的にアクセスできるよう、世界あらゆる所の社会や行政を動員できるよう推し進めるという、壮大かつ新たな計画を我々は前進させました。我々はパートナーであるUNICEFとUN Habitatと共に、Safe Cities for Women and Girls(仮:女性と女児のための安全な街)という取り組みを深めてきました。Global Virtual Knowledge Center(グローバル・ビジュアル・ナレッジ・センター)を通じて、戦略と最新の情報をシェアしてきました。我々は、法律、政策、サービスそして認知度を向上させるため加盟国を支援し、事務総長による女性への暴力撤廃キャンペーンを主催し、「女性に対する暴力撤廃国連信託基金」を運営してきました。

Providing support to local groups and innovative strategies, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women shows us what works. Yet only 5 percent of proposals receive funding and too many worthy initiatives go unfunded. The UN Secretary-General's vision for the UN Trust Fund is to award 100 million dollars in grants annually by 2015. Let us join forces to make this urgent goal a reality

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Strengthening women's role in peace and security

Women are more than victims of conflict; they are leaders of peace and democracy. This message was delivered when the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to three women leaders: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and Tawakkol Karman of Yemen.

While women pay a heavy price during conflict, they are often the first to find solutions, promote reconciliation and ensure that every voice is heard as a country rebuilds. Yet since 1992, less than 8 percent of peace negotiators have been women; less than 6 percent of reconstruction budgets specifically provide for the needs of women and girls.

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In 2011, UN Women took steps to support women's central role in peace talks, peace-building and recovery. National Action Plans to advance Security Council resolution 1325 were adopted in Burundi, Georgia, Serbia, and several other countries. Women participated in international conferences to support peace and development in Afghanistan and the newest Member State, South Sudan. Conflict related abuses of women's rights were documented by the Commissions of Inquiry for Cote d'Ivoire and Libya, predeployment training was provided to UN peacekeepers to help them detect and prevent sexual violence, and 252 women from Africa and Asia were trained as mediators in conflict resolution.

2011年、UN Womenは和平交渉と平和構築と復興の中心的役割を担う女性を支援するステップを歩んできました。安全保障理事会決議1325号を前進させるための国家行動計画が、ブルンジ、グルジア、セルビアとその他の数々の加盟国で採択されました。アフガニスタンと最も新しい加盟国、南スーダンにおける和平と開発支援の国際会議に女性が参画しています。紛争に起因する女性の権利侵害は、コートジボワールとリビアへの諮問委員会によって文書化され、そして、国連平和維持部隊に対し、性暴力を察知し防止できるよう配備前にふまえて研修が行われました。また、アフリカとアジアから252名の女性たちが紛争解決における仲裁のための研修を受けました。

UN Women coordinated the development of a UN system-wide Strategic framework to increase coordination, monitoring and accountability for women's participation in resolving conflict and building peace, and ending sexual violence.
UN Womenは、女性の紛争解決・平和構築参画、性暴力撲滅をめざした協調性、監視活動と説明責任向上のため、国連システム全体の戦略的枠組みの策定をコーディネートしました。

UN Women and the Peacebuilding Support Office are working to advance the UN Secretary-General's 7-point action plan on women's participation in peacebuilding. Among commitments, this plan generated agreement across the UN system to triple levels of spending on gender equality and women's empowerment to at least 15% of post-conflict programming funds and to devote at least 40% of employment opportunities in post-conflict programmes to women.
UN Womenと平和構築支援事務所は、事務総長が提唱する、女性の平和構築参画についての7つのポイントをふくめた行動計画を推進するために協働しています。その取り組みの中には、ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントに対する歳出を3倍引き上げること、

Making budgets and plans work for women

UN Women is a leading global advocate for gender-responsive budgeting to ensure that the allocation of public resources benefits women and men equally.
UN Womenは、女性・男性へ平等に恩恵をもたらす公共資源の分配を確保できる、ジェンダー対応した予算作成の啓発を、世界的に行っています。

In 2011, we supported countries in building capacity in gender analysis, gender budgeting, and use of sex disaggregated data for more gender responsive public policy and budgets. This approach emphasizes the importance of bringing together advocates, parliamentarians and other stakeholders into the budgeting process.

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At the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Republic of Korea, strong advocacy led to agreement to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women to achieve development results. UN Women launched a new programme on gender statistics- "Evidence and Data for Gender Equality" (EDGE). Managed by UN Women and the UN Statistical Division, EDGE links closely with the Busan Action Plan for Statistics to ensure that sex-disaggregated statistics are routinely collected in national statistical systems to monitor and drive progress for gender equality.
大韓民国釜山にて行われた第4回援助効果向上に関するハイレベル・フォーラムにおいて、発展効果を充実させるため、強力なアドボカシーにより、ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントを促進する合意がなされました。UN Womenはジェンダー統計に関する新たなプログラム、「Evidence and Data for Gender Equality」(EDGE:ジェンダー平等のための数値とデータ)を開設しました。UN Womenと国際連合統計局によって管理され、国家統計システムによって定期的に収集されるジェンダー統計を確保し、ジェンダー平等のための進捗のモニターと傾向把握のため、EDGEは統計のための釜山行動計画と密接にリンクして行われています。

In Rwanda, UN Women assisted a successful piloting of gender-responsive budgeting in four national ministries, which produced gender budget statements that were submitted to Parliament with the general budget. Starting in 2011-2012, gender responsive budgeting is mandatory for all ministries, districts and the city of Kigali.
ルワンダにてUN Womenは、4つの省庁においてジェンダー対応した予算案の策定を支援しました。その省庁は総予算と共に議会に提出されたジェンダー予算の財務諸表を作成しました。2011-2012年度から、ジェンダー対応した予算案は、キガリ市と地区において必須となります。

In Ecuador, Ministries now use gender responsive budgeting, and resources allocated for gender equality have tripled from the previous year.

UN Delivering as One for Women
Prioritizing gender equality throughout the UN system

The establishment of UN Women is one of the strongest expressions of UN reform to date. UN Women is charged with leading, coordinating and promoting accountability across the UN system for gender equality.
UN Womenの創設こそ、今までに最大の国連改革の表れです。UN Womenは国連システム全体のジェンダー平等の主導、コーディネートそして推進の責任を任されています。

A system-wide action plan on gender mainstreaming is prepared, following consultations convened between June and November across the UN system. This action plan will provide us with a stronger foundation than ever before for promoting gender mainstreaming and accountability within the UN system.

An increasing number of UN organizations are building experience in incorporating gender markers in their financial management systems, which bodes well for increasing UN accountability. UN Women is working with UN partners to assess the feasibility of a system-wide approach to tracking resources for gender equality.
ますます多くの国連機関の数々が、自らの財務管理システムにジェンダー指標を導入・実施しているということは、国連のアカウンタビリティとして良い傾向です。UN Womenは国連のパートナーらとともに、システム全体のアプローチとしてジェンダー平等のために使用される資金をトラッキングすることが可能かどうかを評価していきます。

UN Women is working in partnership to support national priorities for women's empowerment and gender equality.
UN Womenは、女性のエンパワーメントとジェンダー平等のための国家優先課題を、連携して取り組んでいます。

Today there is greater understanding than ever before that women's empowerment and gender equality are not only goals in their own right; they are also critical means to an end-economic and social progress that is just and sustainable.

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New York, New York 10017, USA
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(Photo Captions)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cover: A young woman from a fishing community in West Bengal in eastern India | (c) UN Women/Anindit Roy-Chowdhury

Women world leaders discuss Gender Equality in Politics | (c) UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Rural women sell mango and potato jam | (c) UN photo/Evan Schneider

A volunteer takes notes on violence against women
(c) UN Women/Catianne Tijerina

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Winner Tawakkul Karman | (c) UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
MINUSTAH Guatemalan Officers participate in Medal Award Ceremony | (c) UN Photo/Marco Dormino

Mother and Child at Taipo Market, Hong Kong | (c) UN Photo A Jongen